Mascot Public School

Excellence in Education in a Caring Environment since 1922

Telephone02 9667 4301

Our staff

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.



PSH - Mrs. Julie Hayes

PSB - Miss Rebecca Atkinson

KP - Miss Sophie Parker 

KD -  Ms Natalie Day

KN - Mr Shaun Ninyo

KW - Miss Catherine Watters

1G - Miss Lantou Georgou

1R - Miss Brenna Riley

1Y - Ms Michelle Yuen

2K - Miss Alana Kip

2A - Miss Stephanie Aravopoulos

2B - Ms Taylar Bull

3/4T - Miss Georgia Townsley

3/4G - Mr Peter Griffiths

3/4F - Ms Louise Floudas

3/4A - Mr Brad Atkins

5/6R - Mr Daniel Round

5/6T - Miss Anya Te Rata

5/6M - Miss Mila Miler

5/6S - Miss Lara Schwartz


School Administrative Manager

Ms. Linda Haines (R)

School Administrative Officers

Mrs. Sheena Endicott (T, W)

Miss Wiki Te Rata

School Learning Support Officers

Ms Natalie Borbely

Ms. Ally Moylan 

Ms. Christina Manolios

Miss Monique Sanfilippo

General Assistants

Mr. Graeme Baxter (M, W, F)

Mr. Mark Ryan


Library - Ms Elizabeth Karanikolas


Specialist -

Mrs. Rica Meltzer 

Mrs. Sophia Worthington

Ms. Sharon Rosen

Mrs. Valda Stephenson – Roberts 

Miss Niamh McGivney



Mr Matthew Tze

Ms Zoe Curtis

Miss Niamh McGivney


Mr. Douglas Graham



Principal - Mrs. Helen Te Rata

Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction - Cherie Smith

Assistant Principals

Mr Shaun Ninyo (ES1)

Miss Stephanie Aravopoulos - Relieving (S1)

Mr Brad Atkins (S2)

Miss Lara Schwartz - Relieving (S3)

Ms. Sharon Rosen (Specialist)

Mrs Julie Hayes - Relieving (Preschool)