Veggie Garden
Mascot Public School has had a veggie patch since 2009. It has grown, changed and morphed during this time. The veggie garden has seating for two classes to enjoy the shade under the big Gum Tree! This makes it so easy for students and teachers to use the garden space.
In the garden students discover ideas and concepts first-hand, through real-life experience. Food education can be integrated into any curriculum and learn life skills that they can take beyond the classroom that will help them to make healthier choices into the future.
While students learn to grow fresh, seasonal produce and use it to prepare nutritious, delicious food. Students are given all the skills, experiences and role modelling they need to learn to love their veggies and make healthier choices about what to cook and eat, for life.
Students at Mascot Public School love spending time in the garden because they’re fun. They experience the joy of digging in the garden, picking fresh veggies, smelling and tasting the food they prepare, and sharing the experience with their classmates.
We rely on local businesses to support us in our garden. Bunnings at Alexandria are a vital part of our garden's progress. They often donate gardening needs to our school. We rely on many local businesses to support our school garden. If you would like to donate to our school garden please email
So what is planted in our veggie garden and orchard?
The Pepino
This is a South American plant. We grow it because its fruit is yummy! It has the consistency of a melon and tastes like a cross between a rockmelon and a banana!!! You know it is ripe when it turns from green to yellow and forms purple stripes on it.
Bush Apple
Indigeous to Australia, this small shrub grows tiny apples on it!!!! Stage 1 planted it this year so we are waiting for its fruit to ripen to try it
The Orchard
We have many fruits growing in our orchard (some more successful than others). The list includes: apples, pears, nashi pears, limes, oranges, grapefruit, mandarins, pomegranate.
The herb selection
There are many yummy herbs in our garden. This includes mint, bayleaves, oregano and parsley.